write a note

美 [raɪt ə noʊt]英 [raɪt ə nəʊt]
  • 写便条(或笔记)
write a notewrite a note
  1. Write a note to my prof and tell him why I missed an exam this morning .


  2. He used a pencil to write a note on a big piece of paper .


  3. Write a note to the boss of someone who helps you , and explain how great a job that person is doing .


  4. Use the paper you borrow to write a note .


  5. In more serious circumstances it may be appropriate to write a note .


  6. But may I not write a note to tell him why I cannot come ?


  7. " I 'll write a note ," said the dwarf .


  8. I will write a note telling him we will be back soon .


  9. Write a note to a friend asking for four things from your room .


  10. You can write a note , too , and put it in with mine .


  11. Write a note instead of having a conversation .


  12. Can 't John at least take the trouble to write a note of thanks ?


  13. I will write a note on his desk .


  14. Would you like to write a note to him on the matter you wish to see him about ?


  15. First we gotta write a note to this girl gerri .


  16. Write a note to your brother .


  17. It 's the custom to write a note of thanks to the hostess .


  18. I 'm not going to a morgue . I 'll get my mom to write a note .


  19. Write a note today to say " thank you " to someone who has helped you or done something for you .


  20. If he sneezed , he asked his mother to write a note saying he had a cold .


  21. Or you can write a note alerting the person to the fact that a painful conversation is necessary .


  22. What if I make a little bicycle out of clay and write a note that she could trade the clay model in for a real bike ?


  23. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate-and us-know you better .


  24. Stressed workers could improve their problem-solving skills by taking a few minutes at the start of the day to write a note about something important to them , a study suggests .


  25. If you need the acceptance letter before you can get the financial documents , then please write a note to the school stating this fact and include it with your application packet .


  26. Like you , first and foremost attracted by head , so take the initiative to write a note , there is no looking forward to will return , it is very sudden movements .


  27. I went on to write a note proofing that Paul was a poor boy in need of everyone 's help and requesting bus conductors to grant Paul free tickets on his way home .


  28. My home isn 't far but it 's not close either , and somehow I got it in my head one day to ask my mother to make me a sandwich and write a note to the principal so I could eat in the canteen too .


  29. ' Send a telegram and say that I 'll come at once , 'said Mrs March . 'The next train goes early in the morning . Now , I must write a note to Aunt March Jo , give me that pen and paper .


  30. If for some reason you miss the window of opportunity to make a spontaneous compliment , you can always come up with an excuse to write a note afterwards - a card saying thanks for dinner for example - and include your compliment within it .
